Friday, 13 September 2013



Strategy Statement

The concealment of my two characters 'H 2' is represented throughout various points on my custom Island I have made. The inspiration for my island came from the concept of  Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii. The devastating Volcano destroyed the entire civilization when it errupted, leaving nothing but remnants of a distant past behind. In this level, I have attempted to create a similar notion, using particle effects of smoke and fire to depict the volcanic erruption at the tip of the Mountain, whilst using a proximity trigger and shake to cause tremors throughout the island in certain spots. To add to this notion, I have created a custom texture for my lava, which moves throughout the island.

My 5 depictions of H2 are seen clearly throughout the island. As stated below in my blog, I have 5 variations, all of different size.

1. The largest is the H2 created from rock masses halfway down the volcano. This can be viewed from the top of the volcano or from a distant height, which I will show in my video.

2. The next biggest is the flowing lava down the side of the volcano. Whilst walking up the side of the Mountain it cannot be viewed, however, once standing upon a rock platform, the two characters become very obvious.

3. As we continue the H2 gets smaller. The next one is seen at the end of the volcanic lava stream, conveyed through the placement of rocks within the lava stream. Just as remnants of Pompeii have lasted throughout time, so do these volcanic Rocks which protrude the surface of the lava.

4. The next H2 is seen through the placement of logs within the forest section of the environment. The Logs are there to demonstrate the constraints of time within nature. Although the trees have fallen, they have left behind a portion of their existence.

5. The 5th depiction of H2 is seen in the ruins which lay upon the side of the beach. Once an Ancient civilization, these ruins lay as a memory to the once mighty race who lived there. The H2, seen on the ground with tattered papers, allows one to see into the distant past. A memory of what used to be.

5 different Views of H2

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Proximity Trigger

Today I used a Proximity trigger to cause a shaking at the top of the volcano. By doing so, it allows for a more realistic erruption to take place.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Video Volano Sounds

My video demonstrating the sounds I have associated within an area shape so that the volcanic sounds are present within the environment.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Custom Sounds within my Level.

Here is a diagram of my sound barriers I have made using Area shapes. I created an area shape, and then tied it in with a ambient sound using the 'pick target'. I know not many other people in the course will be making/importing their own custom sounds, let alone sectioning them off within the level to localize them to where they should be.

I have a crackling sound which slightly overlaps its surroundings for the slow moving lava. I also have one which extends the entire level allowing for a distant volcanic erruption to be heard. as well as a final sound attached to the tip of the volcano, which has the hissing, spurting, cracking and errupting noises :)

Lava Sounds!

Today I began to import sound files into my level to add to the realistic approach I have to my volcano. I have decided to have 3 sound files playing constantly.. One of the volcano errupting up close, one of it errupting from a distance, and another of the lava flowing down the stream.

All these sounds have been taken from the website - which allow free to use mp3 clips.

H 2

Today I made my two characters "h" and "2". These were shown via the rockwork along the side of the lava..
H 2

H 2 shwon in yellow

Monday, 2 September 2013

Week 6 Student Gradings + progress

This week I have edited some trees and their subsequent
textures in order to allow for an ember  effect on the tree trunks and
branches. I have also deleted the leaves to make it look more realistic
and thus more damaged by the fiery climate.

Week 6 Progress

This week so far I have worked on re editing the rest of my island.. I have decided to change the way my two characters will appear I think. I was not entirely happy with the detail of my island, and so as you can now see there is much more emphasis on textures. I have lava rocks next to the flowing stream..cliff rocks splitting levels within my environment. I have also edited the sky in order to make it appear more menacing. This allows for a deeper emphasis to be placed upon the glowing lava streams.

To do still:

particle effects for my lava stream (spurting)

possibly ash falling from the sky

H 2 - Figure out a new way to display my two characters within the level

Burnt or scorched Trees and vegetation

Make the Ground shake with tremors from the Volcano  (This can be done with the earthquake effect)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Volcano lava movement

This week I have uploaded a video of my moving texture for the lava stream in which I plan to have in my level. This allows me to have my stream flowing - Im pretty sure nobody else within the course will have done this, so thats cool i guess.

Now all i need to do is put in the spurting ash, some light particle effects, vegetation and finish off the H2 and im complete :)